Is there any way to paste code into the web version of Quest?

0 votes
asked Aug 4 in Authoring by Mikey Macc
retagged Aug 5 by Alex

I have a lot of rooms that were much much easier to modify in a text document than the GUI, but I'm using a mac and want to get this code back into the web client of Quest. Is there some way to do this?

If not, is it possible to do this on a (short-termed borrowed) windows client to upload and then be able to modify back on the web client later before publishing?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 5 by Alex (486 points)
Best answer

Right now there's no way for you to upload code to continue working on it in the web-based editor, but this is something I plan to add in the near future.

Until then, if you send me the code (email me via the Contact link on I can do this for you.

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