How do I give an object to a character and receive something back?

0 votes
asked Aug 24 in Authoring by Don

Beginner question alert!

I've just started using Quest and have a situation where I want to give a character something in my inventory and in return get another object back from them. I've had a look through the FAQs but couldn't find anything - I could just be being dumb though!

Can anyone point me in the right direction or give me a hand?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 24 by hegemonkhan (161 points)

here's some helpful links, if you don't already know about them:
// due to so many Tab cluttering up the GUI~Editor, they're now toggle'able (hidden until you toggle them on, which then reveals them)
(note: you can scroll down to a bottom section, easy to miss it)

use the 'use~give' Tab (you got to toggle the Tab on first by going to the 'Features' Tab of the Object you want to use), and here's the tutorial on using the use-give Tab:

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