Is "ratings-recommendations-reviews" too long for a tag?

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asked Mar 25 in Meta by dw (9 points)
recategorized Mar 27 by Alex
dannii: I'm unable to reply to your comment.

The reply is: I no longer desire to write tags.
commented Mar 25 by Alex (486 points)
It looks too long to me. What sort of question do you propose would be tagged with something like this?
commented Mar 25 by dw (9 points)
"What is IFDB?" I already tagged it ratings-recommendations and reviews. With only 5 tags allowed, large conglomerate tags are likely.
commented Mar 25 by Alex (486 points)
5 tags per question is plenty for Stack Exchange sites. I can't see what the difference would be between a "ratings-recommendations" and "reviews" tag anyway. I think one "reviews" tag is probably sufficient.
commented Mar 25 by dw (9 points)
Reviews are not the same as ratings. It takes time to read a review but you can scan a page of ratings quickly.
commented Mar 25 by Dannii (329 points)
I'm not sure if tag synonyms are supported here (and if they aren't maybe they can be installed through a plugin), but this is the kind of thing which synonyms would be good for. And while there is a difference between them all, I too think that 'reviews' would be the best main category.
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