How do I print a Help message after the game is restored?

+2 votes
asked Mar 29 in Authoring by anonymous
retagged Mar 29 by Dannii

I would like to print a stock help message to remind the player after the game is loaded from a save file. In Inform7, if I use check/carry out with restoring the game, the game prints a message that the restore failed.

to say help:
    say "This is the HELP text for this game."

carry out restoring the game:
    say help;
    continue the action;

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 30 by AndrewS (250 points)

If you are using Inform 6L, you can do the following:

The restore the game rule response (B) is "This is the HELP text for the game."
commented Mar 30 by AndrewS (250 points)
You can also change variables, such as turning hints back on, e.g.

    The restore the game rule response (B) is "This is the HELP text for the game[hints-on]."

    view-hints is a truth state that varies. view-hints is usually true.

    to say hints-on:
      if view-hints is false:
        say ". You blocked hint viewing, but it's restored."

More detailed logic is here:
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