Quest: How do I change status attributes?

0 votes
asked May 20 in Authoring by anonymous
retagged May 20 by Alex

Hi there; if a player's experience points start out as zero and is listed on the right as an object status attribute, would it be possible to add/subtract to the number when the player defeats a foe?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 20 by hegemonkhan (161 points)
edited May 20 by hegemonkhan

yes, most certainly. This is one my limited areas of coding that I do get, as I try to learn more towards coding and also thus towards more aspects of making~coding in RPG stuff, laughs.

here's my guide on 'statusattributes', ask if you got any questions or need any help (I'm not the most clear with explaining, sighs... so, please ask if you need help with anything): (test game samples) (the guide, and also look at this entire thread too can be helpful, not just my guide post, as the guide was made specifically for the OP of the thread, using his~her desired Attribute Names of 'attunement', 'fighting', and whatever the 3rd was, lol)

hopefully this will help you (HK crosses his fingers)

commented May 20 by anonymous
Ahh I finally figured it out! The way I have it set up now is for the Turn Script you mentioned to add/subtract to the attributes (that I had no idea how to set up until I read your posts) whenever a foe's flag has been set to defeated. There's probably an easier way than how I've set it up, but for now, this works very well. Thank you hegemonkhan! You have no idea the relief I'm feeling right now. A million times thanks!
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