Changing the subject of a verb

+1 vote
asked May 27 in Authoring by katz

In inform 7, how can I manually change the subject of the a verb in adaptive text, in a situation where the assumed subject is incorrect?

And can I set the subject to be a counted number of things? IE, "[Number of people in the room] set[s] of eyes [stare] accusingly at you." It does not seem to do this by default.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 28 by bg (692 points)

The example "Olfactory Settings" in the documentation is probably a useful one to look at.

This seems to work:

To stare is a verb.

Definition: a person is other if it is not the player.

Rule for writing a paragraph about a person:
    say "[Number of other people in the location] set[s] of eyes [regarding the other people in the location][stare] accusingly at you.";
    Now every other person is mentioned.
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