How to output multiple messages without allowing actions in between?

0 votes
asked Aug 20 in Authoring by anonymous
edited Aug 22

I would like to make some parts in my game have long conversations happening. I would like it to print the conversation divided into parts and waiting for a keypress between them, but it's obviously important that the player can't type commands until the entire conversation is finished. Is there a way to do that in inform?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 21 by bg (692 points)
Best answer

If it's just a matter of wanting to print text with keypresses in between sections, you can use Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short, which allows you to use the "wait for any key" phrase:

Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short.

Place is a room.

Instead of listening:
    say "You can hear them talking in the next room....";
    wait for any key;
    say "'Hi,' says Sally.";
    wait for any key;
    say "'Hey,' says Joe.";
    wait for any key;
    say "'So...' says Sally.";
    wait for any key;
    say "'Um...' says Joe."

Not sure if that will work for what you have in mind or if there was something fancier you were going for w/r/t conversation.

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