How can I prevent appending (open), (closed) etc. to an object in Inform 7?

+1 vote
asked Apr 17 in Authoring by EatenByAGrue (75 points)

There are some cases where they work, but other cases where appending (open) and similar descriptions are unnecessary, and at least one point in the game I'm working on where having an object obviously be a container gives away a puzzle. How can I stop Inform 7 from describing the state of an object this way?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 17 by Joseph Geipel (207 points)
selected Apr 17 by EatenByAGrue
Best answer

See §18.16 in the documentation for removing the parenthetical statements in the "You can also see" in a room description. Let's assume your object is named foo.

Rule for printing room description details of foo:

If you also want to remove it from an inventory listing, follow §18.17.

Rule for printing inventory details of foo:
commented Apr 17 by EatenByAGrue (75 points)
Thank you!  I knew I'd seen it somewhere, but finding something specific in the documentation can be a bit maddening sometimes.
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