In Inform 7, how do you create a text window using Flexible Windows by Jon Ingold?

0 votes
asked May 21 in Authoring by bg (692 points)

The Flexible Windows extension is here.

Would someone please give an example of how to create a text window to the left or right of the main window? I'd also like to know how to show and hide the window during play.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered May 21 by Dannii (329 points)
selected May 21 by bg
Best answer
The side window is a g-window spawned by the main window.
The position of the side window is g-placeright.
The scale method of the side window is g-proportional.
The measurement of the side window is 33.

Toggling the side window is an action.
Understand "side window" as toggling the side window.

Carry out toggling the side window:
    if the side window is g-present:
        close the side window;
        open the side window;
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