TADS3 - How to suppress output

0 votes
asked May 23 in Authoring by Paul_Erdos (39 points)

So I've migrated to TADS, and I seem to have a lot of flexibility and everything is wonderful. The trouble is, I can't seem to find the equivalent of Inform7's "Reject the player's command;" in TADS3. How can I suppress arbitrary outputs?

commented May 24 by Paul_Erdos (39 points)
So, sometimes weird things happen when you make function calls from one place to another with no printing between them. I seem to be able to suppress some things by adding an extra print between them, but this is sloppy. eg

" ";
" ";

which, in my particular case, stopped TADS from printing "nothing obvious happens" between some things.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 25 by Jim Aikin
selected May 29 by Paul_Erdos
Best answer

Depends on what you're trying to do, but the exit macro (see p. 68 in "Learning TADS 3") will probably take care of it. To be more specific, the discussion of StringPreParser on p. 307 is very closely equivalent to the kind of situation in which I7 uses "reject the player's command."

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